Exclusive Currencies, Equities, Commodities, and Precious Metals Analysis
Offering a unique and accurate perspective into the financial markets by combining technical and fundamental analysis to hundreds of subscribers since 2019

Offering a unique and accurate perspective into the financial markets by combining technical and fundamental analysis to hundreds of subscribers since 2019
The private telegram channel offers a unique and accurate perspective on financial market analysis
The channel will provide fundamental market analysis by looking at macroeconomics, market sentiment, news and economic data with how it affects the financial markets. You will also have access to a real time stream of economic news headlines before it reaches mainstream.
We provide full top down analysis from higher time frames, key price levels, analysis of market structure, trends and candle stick patterns to form trade ideas in combination with fundamentals. You will gain access to over 40 educational webinars on technical and fundamental topics to grow your skill set and knowledge.
Live breakdowns for trades will be provided. Step by step technical and fundamental breakdowns with videos and webinars. Break downs from higher time frames all the way down to 1 minute time frame for precise analysis and entries/ exits.
Weekly webinars on breakdowns, daily market updates and recaps, and educational topics to create an interactive learning experience. Capital Hungry also focuses on self development providing webinars outside of the financial market space.
We are focused on creating a community of like minded self sufficient traders for future wealth networks. Over 300+ consistent members for years who choose to stay in the community and renew membership every month because of the market content, work ethic and overall productive environment within the community.
The foreign exchange market has an average daily volume of 5 Trillion dollars. Navigating these markets is a challenge that takes extensive chart time to master. Jump start your learning curve by subscribing to daily fundamental and technical market breakdowns. 90% of retails traders are not profitable, join the 10% who are.
Take a look at the FREE Telegram channel to get a sneak peak into what type of information will be provided in the private channel. We also have many FREE breakdowns and webinars uploaded to Youtube.
Active users subscribed to the free telegram channel
Satisfied subscribers and good customer feedback
Guaranteed weekly analysis provided
Monthly membership for exclusive access to a private Telegram channel featuring daily financial market analysis